

(+34) 68 752 11 51

School Phone:

Teléfono Colegio:

(+34) 91 63 61 919

Your Child's Journey

Creating a unique learning experience

We will support your child’s learning every step of the way, providing an excellent education at both an academic and human level.

  • Personalised care from 4 months of age

  • Continuous and close accompaniment for families with monitoring of the evolution of your children.

  • An affectionate, playful and family atmosphere. A space for children to be happy and remember all their lives.

  • We provide the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme for children aged 3 to 12 years old, offering a comprehensive Primary education centered around units of inquiry.

  • Our in-house programs, including Philosophy for Children, Debate, Chess, and Radio, are supplemented by an enrichment schedule offering workshops on diverse subjects, language support, academic reinforcement, and a special program for high abilities.

  • Focused on differentiation and exhaustive monitoring of the potential of each student with our own tool: Student Performance Analytics.

  • Individualised attention and ongoing support from dedicated educators contribute to our students' success.

  • Individualized attention and ongoing support from dedicated educators contribute to our students' success.

  • Excellent results in EvAU (University Entrance Assessment) with 100% pass rate.

Colegio Europeo de Madrid

Admissions : Admisiones (+34) 68 752 11 51
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