Welcome to Colegio Europeo de Madrid
Since 1989, our goal has been to develop the skills and abilities of our students in a personalised way, instilling in them a love for learning, curiosity, imagination and creativity.
By teaching students in a bilingual setting and a secure social and emotional environment, we pave the way for students to achieve their goals and overcome the challenges they set themselves.
We want our students to see the world as a place that is full of possibilities in which they can grow as a person and create value and well-being in society.
"Welcome to CEM, a proud member of the IB World community. At our school, we embrace the transformative impact of education and recognise the intrinsic value of each individual."
- Marta Pérez Ximénez de Embún, Headteacher
Leaders in Sustainability
Our mission is to radiate positivity throughout our community and cultivate an enriching learning environment.
★ Recognised as an Active Environmental Learning Center
★ School Reforestation Award: Granted by the Las Rozas City Council
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Colegio Europeo de Madrid provides facilities adapted to the needs and educational model. Our campus features modern classrooms, specifically designed for each school stage, science laboratories, sports facilities, and various libraries.
At ESM, we create a conducive environment for comprehensive education, offering a wide variety of extracurricular activities. In addition to ensuring academic excellence, our learning environment ensures a complete educational experience for all students.
An Enriching Educational Journey
At Colegio Europeo de Madrid, excellence and personalised attention are intertwined in an enriching educational journey. We strive to enhance the uniqueness of each student by equipping them with the skills, knowledge and confidence to succeed in whatever field they choose.
We have more than 25 years of experience offering a comprehensive academic project from Infant to 2nd year of Bachillerato. Every year, the academic results show that our students are prepared to successfully navigate their further education and professional futures.
Exciting extra-curricular activities
As well as offering ballet and judo classes during the school day, CEM also offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities and after-class clubs, run by teachers or other professionals, from Monday to Friday.
An extensive range of activities is offered and the aim of the extra-curricular programme is to provide students with the necessary experience to help them achieve the educational goals they have been set.
Emotional intelligence is an essential skill in our society, both on a personal and professional level. If we extrapolate it to the field of education, when students...
The education sector is in constant evolution and is continually reinventing itself in order to adapt to the needs of society at all times. In recent years,...
Assessment is one of the fundamental pillars of education. It allows us to determine whether students are achieving their learning objectives and how they are progressing in...
Learning a new language is a skill that goes beyond simply adding a new line on your CV. It can provide multiple benefits which range from improving...
The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in education has led to a major transformation in the learning system, resulting in a more precise adaptation of educational methods which...
Over the last few decades, education has gone through a major transformation, adopting innovative methodologies that seek to improve the teaching-learning process. For this reason, it is...
Frequently asked questions about CEM
Colegio Europeo de Madrid offers a high quality education with a focus on academic excellence and the holistic development of students. Its bilingual programmes, modern facilities and personalised approach guarantee a holistic education that prepares students for the challenges of the 21st century.
Our international school in Madrid integrates a global curriculum with a focus on bilingualism and multiculturalism. Students have the opportunity to earn international certifications and participate in innovative programmes that promote creativity and critical thinking.
Colegio Europeo de Madrid offers International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes, including the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and preparation for official certifications such as Cambridge, DELF-DALF for French, and Goethe-Institut for German. CEM has acquired the status of a candidate school* for the MYP and aims to obtain authorization to become an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy: a commitment to a rigorous and high-quality international education that Colegio Europeo de Madrid considers important for its students. *Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme (DP), or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status does not guarantee that the school will be granted authorization.
Choosing a school in Las Rozas, such as Colegio Europeo de Madrid, offers the advantage of being in a privileged location, surrounded by nature and with easy access from different parts of the city. Las Rozas is known for being a quiet and safe area, ideal for the educational and personal development of children. In addition, the school has modern facilities and an innovative pedagogical approach that guarantees a quality education.
Colegio Europeo de Madrid offers an efficient transport service with routes covering Las Rozas and neighbouring municipalities such as Torrelodones and Majadahonda, guaranteeing a safe and punctual journey for students.
Aunque el tiempo no lo parezca, ¡hoy empieza la primavera! Y qué mejor manera de celebrarlo que con el increíble trabajo de tres alumnas de Bachillerato en nuestra biblioteca.
Por iniciativa propia, han dedicado parte de sus recreos desde el inicio de curso a dar rienda suelta a su creatividad, transformando sus paredes con flores pintadas a mano. Un proyecto lleno de talento, dedicación y arte.
El resultado no podría ser más espectacular. ¡Enhorabuena, chicas!
Although the weather might not show it, spring begins today! And what better way to celebrate than with the incredible work of three of our Sixth Form students in the library?
On their own initiative, they have spent part of their break times since the start of the school year unleashing their creativity, transforming the walls with hand-painted flowers. A project full of talent, dedication, and artistry.
The result couldn’t be more spectacular. Well done, girls!
#SoyCEM #SpringVibes #CreerCrearCrecer #BelongtotheWorld

Nos sentimos orgullosos de anunciar que hemos sido incluidos en la lista de los 100 mejores colegios de España según Forbes.
En CEM, apostamos por una educación que va más allá de lo académico: innovadora, internacional y con el valor humano como base de todo lo que hacemos. Este reconocimiento es el reflejo del esfuerzo conjunto de nuestra comunidad: alumnos, familias y equipo docente.
¡Gracias por ser parte de este logro!
We are proud to announce that we have been included in Forbes` list of the 100 best schools in Spain.
At CEM, we are committed to an education that goes beyond academics—innovative, international, and built on human values. This recognition is a reflection of the collective effort of our entire community: students, families, and staff.
Thank you for being part of this achievement!
#ColegioEuropeoDeMadrid #BelongToTheWorld #Forbes #Top100Colegios #ForbesBestSchools

¡Nos sentimos muy orgullosos de aparecer, un año más, en La Guía de los Mejores Colegios de Diario ABC!
Este reconocimiento refleja nuestro compromiso con una educación que va más allá de las aulas, fomentando el pensamiento global, la innovación y el desarrollo integral de nuestros estudiantes. En CEM, trabajamos cada día para preparar a nuestros alumnos para ser ciudadanos del mundo, líderes en sus comunidades y agentes de cambio.
Gracias a todos los que forman parte de esta gran familia educativa. ¡Juntos seguimos haciendo historia!
We are very proud to be featured once again in La Guía de los Mejores Colegios by Diario ABC!
This recognition reflects our commitment to an education that goes beyond the classroom, fostering global thinking, innovation, and the holistic development of our students. At CEM, we work every day to prepare our students to be citizens of the world, leaders in their communities, and agents of change.
A big thank you to everyone who is part of this great educational family. Together, we continue to make history!
#CEM #ColegioEuropeoDeMadrid #BestSchools #GlobalEducation #AcademicExcellence #MejoresColegios #EducaciónGlobal #ExcelenciaAcadémica #BelongToTheWorld

Hoy en Infantil hemos puesto fin al Carnaval con el tradicional Entierro de la Sardina.
Nuestros alumnos de 5 años han creado una sardina muy especial, y sus compañeros de 3 y 4 años han asistido a la despedida entre canciones y gestos de tristeza. Como manda la tradición, han dicho adiós al Carnaval con semblantes apenados, aunque sabemos que pronto volverá la alegría con nuevas celebraciones. ¡Hasta el año que viene, Carnaval!
Today, in Infants, we bid farewell to Carnival with the traditional Entierro de la Sardina (Burial of the Sardine).
Our 5-year-old students created a very special sardine, and their 3- and 4-year-old classmates attended the farewell, singing and showing their sorrow. As tradition dictates, they said goodbye to Carnival with solemn faces, though we know joy will soon return with new celebrations.
See you next year, Carnival!
#CarnavalCEM #EntierroDeLaSardina #InfantilCEM

Colegio Europeo de Madrid: Educación Internacional para Liderar el Futuro.
En CEM, somos un referente en educación internacional y multilingüe. Preparamos a nuestros alumnos para ser ciudadanos del mundo, superando barreras y alcanzando el éxito con excelencia y rigor académico.
🔹 Innovación y Valores Globales: Entorno inclusivo y culturalmente diverso.
🔹 Desarrollo Personal: Acompañamos a nuestros alumnos en su crecimiento personal.
🔹 Espíritu Emprendedor: Formamos a jóvenes indagadores y emprendedores para un futuro mejor.
Creemos en una educación que trasciende fronteras, preparando a nuestros alumnos para liderar el futuro con confianza y determinación.
Colegio Europeo de Madrid: International Education to Lead the Future.
At CEM, we are a benchmark in international and multilingual education. We prepare our students to be global citizens, overcoming barriers and achieving success with excellence and academic rigor.
🔹 Innovation and Global Values: Inclusive and culturally diverse environment.
🔹 Personal Development: We support our students in their personal growth.
🔹 Entrepreneurial Spirit: We shape inquisitive and entrepreneurial young people for a better future.
We believe in an education that transcends borders, preparing our students to lead the future with confidence and determination.
#CEMBelongToTheWorld #EducaciónInternacional #LiderarElFuturo #SoyCEM

El mejor aprendizaje sucede cuando disfrutamos el camino. 😊
The best learning happens when we enjoy the journey. 😊
#SomosCEM #CreerCrearCrecer

¡Hoy hemos vivido un Carnaval mágico en CEM!
Nuestro colegio se ha llenado de imaginación y aventuras con disfraces inspirados en personajes de cuentos. Desde valientes caballeros y intrépidas exploradoras hasta magos, hadas y criaturas fantásticas, cada alumno ha dado vida a su historia favorita. Pero lo mejor no han sido solo los disfraces, sino la oportunidad de compartir y redescubrir la magia de los libros.
Este año, la temática ha girado en torno a los personajes de cuento porque sabemos que la lectura nos transporta a otros mundos, nos enseña valores y despierta la creatividad. A través de sus historias favoritas, los alumnos han recordado que los libros no solo se leen, ¡se viven!
Y después de este día tan especial, llega el momento de un merecido descanso. A partir de mañana, comienzan los días no lectivos para Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato, aunque Infantil permanecerá abierto.
¡Feliz Carnaval y a seguir disfrutando de la magia de los cuentos!
Today, we have experienced a magical Carnival at CEM!
Our school has been filled with imagination and adventure, with costumes inspired by storybook characters. From brave knights and fearless explorers to wizards, fairies, and fantastic creatures, each student has brought their favorite story to life. But the best part wasn’t just the costumes—it was the chance to share and rediscover the magic of books.
This year, our theme focused on storybook characters because we know that reading transports us to new worlds, teaches us values, and sparks creativity. Through their favorite stories, our students have been reminded that books are not just read—they are lived!
And after such a special day, it’s time for a well-deserved break. Starting tomorrow, Primary, Secondary, and Baccalaureate will have non-school days, although the Infant stage will remain open.
Happy Carnival, and may the magic of stories continue!
#SoyCEM #CreerCrearCrecer #CarnavalCEM

¡Hoy en Infantil hemos celebrado el Día de los peinados divertidos y glamurosos como calentamiento para la gran fiesta de Carnaval que nos espera mañana!
Colores, lazos, purpurina y mucha imaginación… ¡Nuestros peques han venido con looks de lo más originales! Y lo mejor de todo ha sido ver sus sonrisas y la emoción con la que han compartido sus creaciones.
Today, our Early Years students have celebrated Crazy & Glamorous Hairstyle Day as a warm-up for the big Carnival party awaiting us tomorrow!
Colours, ribbons, glitter, and lots of imagination… Our little ones have come in with the most original looks! But the best part? Seeing their smiles and the excitement as they showed off their creations.
#SoyCEM #CreerCrearCrecer #Carnaval

A unique learning experience
CEM is a nurturing environment with caring educators, engaging in personalised learning.
0 - 6 years old
6 - 12 years old
12 - 16 years old
16 - 18 years old